Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thank You President Obama.

Amazing how something with no vulgarity can be one of the most
insulting and powerful messages to Obama that I have seen to date!


Dear Mr. Obama,
Thank you for not going to Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day.
There is something very sacred about that place and about that day.
Those who bled and died for this country deserve to be honored and saluted by people who love their country and honor their sacrifice.
You don't belong there.

Oraig P. Jacobi
Col, USA (Ret)
McLean, Va

~The flag does not fly because of the wind that blows it.
The flag flies because each soldiers' last breath blows by it.~

Friday, May 13, 2011

Things We Hate About the Army. And Love.

I think boredom has gotten the best of me today.

Things We Hate About the Army.

1. Work harder, not smarter.
2. KP.
3. Egotistical Officers that think they are a better person because they make more money.
4. Head Count.
5. "Hey You" details.
6. Flu Shots. Mandatory Flu Shots.
7. FMs
8. TMs
9. AARs
10. Mass Punishment.
11. The Beret.
12. WWTABWA. (what would the army be without acronyms).
13. Sounding off.
14. Lack of privacy. You are NEVER alone.
15. The retired ones who work on a contract. They think they still outrank you. The minute you got out, I didn't have to listen to you anymore!
16. Drive on!
17. Drink Water!
18. 800 mg Ibuprofen
19. Discouragement of creativity and ingenuity.
20. Packing lists.
21. If it makes sense, its wrong!
22. Guard duty/Staff Duty/CQ
23. If they rank higher, they are right.
24. Parade Rest.

We Love This About the Army.

1. Free medical/dental
2. Free housing and utilities. 
3. College money.
4. 30 days of paid leave per year.
5. Guaranteed Paycheck.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Some Catch Up.

So, some things since I last wrote. 

Prince William and Kate married.
Osama bin Laden is dead.

Yup, thats pretty much everything lol.

As for me, the endoscopy was fine (ulcers were healed), biopsies were negative, and every other single test that I have had has been negative thus far. Tests like xrays, CT scans, a HIDA scan, and endoscopies are all normal. So, why am I always so sick? Ended up in the hospital friday night because I was puking my everlasting brains out and the CQNCOIC (charge of quarters non commissioned officer in charge) made me go. They admitted me, gave me fluids, watched me, did tests and let me go with a provisional diagnosis of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS - not quite like the store tho). They also are finally starting to catch on that it might not be the GI system directly. But, they also threatened me with a medical discharge...and I don't want that. I have never been to sick call or the hospital at my own free will. I am always made to go. Yet, they still question my ability to perform as a soldier. Hmmm, well follow ups this week. Hopefully, I will be able to convince them that I belong in the military and will have no problems...even if that takes a bit of lying.