Sunrise 1
1. Chesspiece: Knight
2. Four-Score: Eighty
3. Piratical Disease: Scurvy
4. Snakes: Cobras
5. Roller Skating Waitress: Carhop
6. Harmless: Benign
7. Something to Eat: Chow
Sunrise 2
1. Booms: Thunders
2. Helix: Spiral
3. 3/4 Dance: Waltz
4. Bunny Food: Carrots
5. Fancy Cup: Goblet
6. Nautical Greeting: Ahoy
7. Orbiting Sphere: Planet
Sunrise 3
1. Flat Top: Plateau
2. Stretchy Stuff: Spandex
3. Not a Nice Guy: Scoundrel
4. Not Very Fancy: Spartan
5. Stays Away From: Avoids
6. Whirlwind: Tornado
7. Desires: Wants
Sunrise 4
1. Tippy Boat: Canoe
2. Mexican Sauce: Salsa
3. Portable Canopy: Umbrella
4. Sell Illegally: Traffic
5. Opera Star Lanza: Mario
6. Facial Hair: Mustache
7. Increasing: Waxing
Sunrise 5
1. Baby Kangaroo: Joey
2. The Milkmaid Artist:Vermeer
3. Lives Under the Sea: Spongebob
4. Sugar Transformed: Caramel
5. Splits in Two: Divides
6. Dimestore Novel: Paperback
7. Unwanted Email: Spam
Sunrise 6
1. Plush Bear: Teddy
2. Land Bridge: Isthmus
3. Arthur's Childhood Nickname: Wart
4. Sheds Light: Lantern
5. Barrel Maker: Cooper
6. Island State: Hawaii
7. Good for You: Beneficial
Sunrise 7
1. Without fault: Blameless
2. Extra: Spare
3. Used Up: Spent
4. Triangular Sail: Spinnaker
5. Italian Dessert:Tiramisu
6. Release Anger: Vent
7. Lightbulb Developer: Edison
Sunrise 8
1. Keeps a Baby Dry: Diaper
2. Hard Substance: Diamond
3. Worth Something: Valuable
4. Small Amount: Pinch
5. Lobby: Vestibule
6. Not a Bear: Panda
7. Fake: Sham
Sunrise 9
1. Tossed Veggies: Salad
2. Nurture: Foster
3. Tortilla Chips: Doritos
4. Stylishly Sophisticated: Classy
5. Flying Machine: Helicopter
6. Pass Over: Skip
7. Fear: Trepidation
Sunrise 10
1. Make Angry: Infuriate
2. Suppress: Stifle
3. Shark: Hammerhead
4. Green-Headed Duck: Mallard
5. Rowing: Crew
6. Wonderful: Magnificent
7. Fashionable: Trendy
Sunrise 11
1. Native American Tribe: Hopi
2. Teacup Mate: Saucer
3. Ulysses or Cary: Grant
4. Penguin: Rockhopper
5. Green's Complement: Magenta
6. Afternoon Nap: Siesta
7. Thorny Bushes: Brambles
Sunrise 12
1. With Hidden Identity: Incognito
2. Spherical Toys: Marbles
3. Strongly Attractive: Magnetic
4. Timepiece: Watch
5. Price is Right's Bob: Barker
6. Garfield's Food of Choice: Lasagna
7. West African Nation: Ghana
Sunrise 13
1. Military Headquarters: Pentagon
2. Cancel: Mothball
3. Be Indecisive: Waver
4. Free of Germs: Sterile
5. Hunts Wabbits: Elmer
6. Pastry: Danish
7. Citrus Fruit: Orange
Sunrise 14
1. Skull: Cranium
2. Chilean Capital: Santiago
3. Big Bear: Kodiak
4. Hot Pepper: Habanero
5. Reversible Word: Palindrome
6. Action Word: Verb
7. Shoe Grip: Cleat
Sunrise 15
1. Enough: Plenty
2. Makes a Choice: Decides
3. Board: Plank
4. Causing Harm: Damaging
5. Defendant's Adversary: Plaintiff
6. Goes Between Bricks: Mortar
7. Mix Thoroughly: Blend
Sunrise 16
1. Italian Cheese: Asiago
2. Moonlight Sonata Composer: Beethoven
3. Floating Abode: Houseboat
4. Fraudulent Offer: Scam
5. British Fries: Chips
6. Strike Hands Together: Clap
7. Alexandrian Wonder: Library
Sunrise 17
1. Monkey of Genus Papio: Baboon
2. Boat Captain: Skipper
3. Wally's Kid Brother: Beaver
4. Way Out: Exit
5. Appear Threatening: Loom
6. Terse: Succinct
7. Weave Out of Control: Fishtail
Sunrise 18
1. Elvis Flick: Clambake
2. White Long-Legged Bird: Stork
3. Bizet Opera: Carmen
4. Top of the Mountain: Summit
5. Obvious: Blatant
6. Foreigner: Alien
7. Fries Quickly: Sautes
Sunrise 19
1. Fastener: Staple
2. Six-String: Guitar
3. Near the Equator: Tropical
4. Spins Around: Rotates
5. One Who Scales: Climber
6. Stage Drama: Play
7. Railroad Bridge: Trestle
Sunrise 20
1. Explore Caves: Spelunk
2. Carole King Opus: Tapestry
3. Gather: Corral
4. Reef Building Block: Coral
5. Maine Crustacean: Lobster
6. Transitory: Temporary
7. One Who Flees: Fugitive
Sunrise 21
1. Nascent: Budding
2. Fellow: Chap
3. Entwined: Tangled
4. Malt Source: Barley
5. Alter without Permission: Tamper
6. Hidden: Veiled
7. Unintelligent Speech: Mumble
Sunrise 22
1. Unmeasured Serving: Dollop
2. Oblong Yarn Balls: Skeins
3. Stumbles: Trips
4. Automatic Reactions: Reflexes
5. Tropical Fruit: Papaya
6. Almost: Nearly
7. Mushrooms: Fungi
Sunrise 23
1. Fancy Supper: Banquet
2. Bending Easily: Pliable
3. Flying Grasshopper: Locust
4. Baked Fruit Pastry: Strudel
5. Expels Violently: Vomits
6. Unkind Practical Joke: Prank
7. Larry, Moe and Curly: Stooges
Sunrise 24
1. Complain: Gripe
2. Ship's Steering Wheel: Helm
3. Cosmetic Power: Talcum
4. Burma: Myanmar
5. Spotted Horse Breed: Appaloosa
6. Spice Made From Peppers: Paprika
7. Win a Victory: Clinch
Sunrise 25
1. Powerhouse: Dynamo
2. Nervous Movement: Fidget
3. Sequester: Cloister
4. Purple Dinosaur: Barney
5. Medieval Code: Chivalry
6. Four Quarts: Gallon
7. Deflect: Parry
Sunrise 26
1. Weatherman's Prognostication: Forecast
2. Prenuptial Party: Shower
3. Cinderella's Deadline: Midnight
4. For the Most Part: Mainly
5. Reindeer: Caribou
6. Fortified Wine: Port
7. Musical Line: Melody
Sunrise 27
1. British Sausage: Banger
2. Apportion: Parcel
3. Australia's Great Reef: Barrier
4. Koala Food: Eucalyptus
5. Say How You Feel: Opine
6. Adding Up To: Totaling
7. Make Dirty: Soil
Sunrise 28
1. Cast Out: Banish
2. Stew in White Gravy: Fricassee
3. Agassi's Sport: Tennis
4. Polynesian Nation: Tuvalu
5. Ongoing: Chronic
6. New Zealander: Kiwi
7 Fawlty Towers Bellhop: Manuel
Sunrise 29
1. High Cliffs: Precipices
2. Counting: Census
3. Grape Variety: Shiraz
4. Ayers Rock: Uluru
5. Posts to Twitter: Tweets
6. Culpability: Blame
7. Musical Speed: Tempo
Sunrise 30
1. Handgun: Pistol
2. Not Stereo: Monaural
3. Port Phillip City: Melbourne
4. Microsoft's Bill: Gates
5. Messier Object 45: Pleiades
6. Flag: Banner
7. Type of Wheat: Durum
Sunrise 31
1. Hearty Tuscan Soup: Ribollita
2. Norwegian Porridge: Rommegrot
3. Midwife: Doula
4. Man of Vision: Optician
5. Enthusiast: Buff
6. Subdivision of Louisiana: Parish
7. Fishing Boat: Trawler
Sunrise 32
1. Tree Bearing Catkins: Willow
2. Naive Person: Gobemouche
3. Tree with Peeling Bark: Birch
4. Part of a PA System: Loudspeaker
5. Economic Concern: Inflation
6. Flower used in Perfumes: Jasmine
7. King with a Sword Over Him: Damocles
Sunrise 33
1. Musky Catlike Animal: Civet
2. Stifled Laugh: Snicker
3. Molded Crown: Cornice
4. Walked like Paul Bunyan: Lumbered
5. Order too much Inventory: Overstock
6. Send to a Computer: Upload
7. Shut Down: Deactivate
Sunrise 34
1. Pertinence: Relevance
2. Sound Heard When Calling Ewe: Bleat
3. Ask a Question: Query
4. Architectural Base: Pedestal
5. Ham Radio Band: Shortwave
6. Tetched: Batty
7. Without a Saddle: Bareback
Sunrise 35
1. Take to Court: Prosecute
2. Shocking: Scandalous
3. Anchor Blade: Fluke
4. Brooding: Moody
5. Identical: Same
6. Protruding Collar for Support: Flange
7. Katana Wielder: Samurai
Sunrise 36
1. Small Rounded Hill: Knoll
2. Pine or Spruce, for instance: Evergreen
3. Period around Noon: Lunchtime
4. Haptophobic's Fear: Touch
5. Mojave Desert City: Needles
6. Overexposure Redness: Sunburn
7. Kitchen Remodel Purchase: Countertop
Sunrise 37
1. Shrieked: Screamed
2. Having a Way with Words: Eloquent
3. Infernal: Blasted
4. Unsettled: Queasy
5. Card Game: Rummy
6. Concealed: Hidden
7. Profoundly Moving: Poignant
Sunrise 38
1. Tragic Upheaval: Cataclysm
2. Nuclear Tragedy: Meltdown
3. Tragic: Shocking
4. Miseries Arising from Tragedy: Woes
5. Minor Tragedy: Misfortune
6. Sudden Tragedy: Catastrophe
7. Tragedy by Euripides: Electra
Sunrise 39
1. Actor's Substitute: Understudy
2. Sugar Substitute: Nutrasweet
3. Actress' Substitute: Stuntwoman
4. Substitute Governor: Surrogate
5. Emergency Substitute: Backup
6. Cheap Substitute: Ersatz
7. Substitute Worker: Temp
Sunrise 40
1. Affected Refusal: Accismus
2. Not Living Forever: Mortal
3. Puts up Roadblocks: Stymies
4. Below the Surface: Subliminal
5. Elimination: Eradication
6. Panel Member: Juror
7. Port-au-Prince is its Capital: Haiti
Sunrise 41
1. Forest Dweller: Sylvan
2. Great Interest: Enthusiasm
3. Play Piano, for say: Accompany
4. Western African Nation: Cameroon
5. Safeguard: Precaution
6. Kiss: Buss
7. South American Cowboy: Gaucho
Sunrise 42
1. Cleaning: Housework
2. Furtive Moving: Stealth
3. Flawlessly Clean: Immaculate
4. Extra Tidy: Fastidious
5. Ancient City: Troy
6. At a High Cost: Pyrrhic
7. FM Receiver: Radio
Sunrise 43
1. Make Larger: Accrete
2. Ridiculous: Outlandish
3. Impressive or Majestic: Sublime
4. Jester: Buffoon
5. Eccentric: Crackpot
6. Put in Order: Organize
7. Customary: Conventional
Sunrise 44
1. Strange: Abnormal
2. Spontaneously Playful: Whimsical
3. Chick's Cry: Peep
4. Device Used on Some Screens: Stylus
5. One in Music Up to his Chin: Violinist
6. Detail-Oriented: Meticulous
7. Arrogant: Overbearing
Sunrise 45
1. Neural Junction: Synapse
2. Remove Foreign Elements: Purify
3. Restaurant Booking: Reservation
4. Foolishness: Absurdity
5. Depreciation: Shrinkage
6. Armored Mammal: Armadillo
7. Of the Universe: Cosmic
Sunrise 46
1. Debased Caricature: Travesty
2. Badly Distorted: Grotesque
3. Look Like: Resemble
4. Be too Sweet: Cloy
5. Without a Care: Thoughtless
6. Sci-Fi Invader: Martian
7. Fall Apart: Crumble
Sunrise 47
1. Thought to be True: Putative
2. Fatherhood: Paternity
3. Yarn Bundle: Hank
4. One Who Thinks He's Clever: Sophist
5. Gloomy: Lugubrious
6. Gloomy: Saturnine
7. Make a Miasma: Pollute
Sunrise 48
1. Microscopic Dye: Stain
2. Gloomy: Funereal
3. One Cheering You On: Supporter
4. Shortage: Dearth
5. Pulleylike Structure: Trochlea
6. Old Grecian Currency: Drachma
7. Rescue Illumination: Searchlight
Sunrise 49
1. Extend: Prolong
2. Down in the Dumps: Morose
3. Subtle Gossip: Innuendo
4. Provoking Fear: Scary
5. Close-Knit Group: Phalanx
6. In Good Spirits: Cheerful
7. Ringmaster, for one: Showman
Sunrise 50
1. Kitchen Leader: Chef
2. Hair Curler: Beautician
3. Government of the Few: Oligarchy
4. Government Takeover: Coup
5. Not Military: Civilian
6. Hiring of Relatives: Nepotism
7. College Graduates: Alumni
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