Saturday, April 23, 2011


Just been here at Charlie Company. Same crap different day. 2 new platoons are here. And unfortunately, they decided to move three of the females into my room. They snore. It sucks. So lets see. I have an endoscopy with biopsies on tuesday. Hopefully they will find some answers as to why the medications are not helping the ulcers. Just been pullin CQ shifts out my ass, so boring is an understatement. I'm on a special workout from one the SSG's here. Well, technically, hes a SSG (P), and he likes to throw that out there. 
Other than that, not much has been going on. Can't wait to get outta here and PCS to Drum. Hooah, out.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm Having Separation Issues.

So, after I spent a couple days back at Charlie Co, our Sgts wanted the weekend off. Perfectly understandable. But, in order to make that happen, we would have to not be there. Their solution? They sent us to Echo Co. Dayuummm, they have some real dawgs here. Makes me appreciate how our 1SG took care of the females. Pulled a bunch of details today, including working in the armory. Its been Heat Cat IV here for the past few days, but being from TX has been to my advantage, because honestly, it's really not that hot. Unblousing all their uniforms is totally unnecessary and makes them look all jacked up. 
As for other stuff, went to the GI Specialist again today. Medication was switched to see if that was the cause of my ongoing symptoms. I have a gallbladder ultrasound on Friday and if that comes back ok, I go back in for another endoscopy and more biopsies. Fingers crossed. I love the military and I don't want these issues to keep me from achieving my ultimate goal. Drink water drive on. Hooah!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Playing Army Again

Got back to Fort Jackson yesterday around 1800. Didn't know people would be excited to see me, but I got a lot of hugs. Got my stuff unpacked, for the most part, but left some of it packed on account of moving companies once I get medically cleared. 
Our wake up was at 0330 today so that they could get ready for graduation. Went to put out flags at batallion and then chow. After chow, helped clean more and then off to the ceremony to be ushers. Basically, we did whatever was asked of us, including cleaning. After graduation was the hard part. I had to watch everyone leave. It was actually harder than what I thought it was going to be. It is what it is. We are stuck as med holds. Not horrible, but definitely boring. Basically, it feels like I'm stuck at home and grounded. Details whenever they need us. And just sitting around when they don't. 
My follow up with my doctor is tomorrow morning at 0945. I don't exactly know whats going to go down, whether or not I will be cleared. But we will see.